PGY-2 Pearl #22: The Holy Trinity of Allergy-Immunology Things You Actually Need To Know (in peds)

There is no reason to use Benadryl in any patient who can tolerate enteral medications (PO/NG/GT); use second-generation antihistamines (Aerius, Reactine, Claritin, Rupall) instead! They have a much more favourable side effect profile and are non-drowsy. This is especially important for kids with possible anaphylactic reactions, so it doesn’t muddy the clinical picture (syncope vs … Continue reading PGY-2 Pearl #22: The Holy Trinity of Allergy-Immunology Things You Actually Need To Know (in peds)

Baby cuddler for hire?

Ah, another baby cuddling day! Today in the NICU my patient was very agitated, and every few minutes the nurses were scrambling to tend to their patients while also rotating by her cot to try to soothe her so her wailing didn’t completely unsettle all the other families in the unit. Unfortunately, she would only … Continue reading Baby cuddler for hire?

PGY-2 Pearl #21

When you have identified a patient requiring pharmacologic hypertension management (ie/meets criteria for stage II hypertension or critical hypertension per AAP 2017 pediatric hypertension guidelines, and/or symptomatic from hypertension), think about the underlying mechanism for hypertension in that patient. Then, think about the ABCD’s of hypertension: A: ACE inhibitors (for increased RAAS activation, decreased vascular … Continue reading PGY-2 Pearl #21

On Grief

As healthcare professionals, we have the unique privilege of meeting many people throughout our careers, often at extremely vulnerable times in their lives. Some of these times are vulnerable in happiness, but more often they are vulnerable in pain, suffering, and grief. Loss is something that every human experiences at some point in their lives. … Continue reading On Grief